

Hokkaido Trip26 - Coffee Roasting Workshop Hakodate Misuzu Daimon Store, the first coffee roaster in Hokkaido

Misuzu Coffee is the oldest coffee shop in Hokkaido, but on my first visit to Hakodate in 2017, I ran out of time and was unable to stop by.This time, I visited the first Misuzu Coffee store, Coffee Roasting Studio Hakodate Misuzu Daimon B…

Hokkaido Trip25 - "Shirafura (Takise Beach)" with its exotic white cliffs

After enjoying the Sakura Festival in Matsumae Town, we stopped by Gokatteya Honpo, famous for its yokan (sweet bean jelly) in Esashi in time for the "Hokuto Sakura Corridor," and then circled the Watashima Peninsula before returning to Ha…

Hokkaido Trip24 - Walking in Matsumae, the northernmost castle town in Japan where cherry blossoms bloom (3) (Matsumae Clan residence, cherry blossom viewing garden, etc.)

We have introduced the Matsumae Sakura Festival in two articles so far. In this final installment, we will show you the remaining spots of the Matsumae Clan Residence and Matsumae Park. Click here to see Matsumae Castle in bloom with cherr…

Hokkaido Trip23 - Walking in Matsumae, the northernmost castle town in Japan where cherry blossoms bloom (2) (Matsumae Park, Kozenji Temple, etc.)

In 2021, I went to the Matsumae Cherry Blossom Festival. In this article, I would like to introduce the temple from Matsumae Castle to the Matsumae Clan Residence. Click here to see Matsumae Castle in bloom with cherry blossoms. (Matsumae …

Hokkaido Trip22 - Walking in Matsumae, the northernmost castle town in Japan where cherry blossoms bloom (1) (Matsumae Castle area)

There are many places famous for cherry blossoms in Hokkaido and Tohoku. I had not had a chance to visit them due to the timing of my work, but at the end of April I was able to take a day off, so I went to the "Matsumae" Cherry Blossom Fe…


網走・斜里まで「天に続く道」を観に行きましたが、せっかく知床の近くまで行ったので知床五胡についても観光してきました。 知床五胡(知床五胡フィールドハウス) 住所 :北海道斜里郡斜里町遠音別村 字岩宇別549番地 アクセス:網走駅からレンタカーで約2…